Dynamic Vision (DV) has successfully completed the detailed feasibility study project to assess the security situation, cultural norms and demand for the women networks establishments Dynamic Vision (DV) has successfully completed the detailed feasibility study to...
Dynamic Vision has successfully conducted stakeholder engagement meeting and focus group discussions in 22 districts of Kabul city Under the Kabul Sanitation Concept Study (Master Plan) project, Dynamic Vision has successfully conducted stakeholder engagement meetings...
DV has signed the contract for the “Third Party Monitoring Project” of Health Facilities Construction throughout Afghanistan with H.E Minister of Public Health Today we signed the contract for the “Third Party Monitoring Project” of Health Facilities Construction...
Dynamic Vision has extended its support to Kabul Polytechnic University through signing an MoU Our Company (Dynamic Vision) extended its support to Kabul Polytechnic University through signing an MoU for a strategic partnership in different sectors. Share...
DV has successfully conducted the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) training in selected zones of Dashte Barchi area, Kabul province DV has successfully conducted the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) training in selected zones of Dashte Barchi area, Kabul...