DV has been awarded with a project for Construction and Installation of Futsal Pitch in Puli Khumri city, Baghlan Province by USAID funded DAI GLOBAL LLC, Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience (SHAHAR),

SUBCONTRACT # SHAHAR-MDF-SBK-PUL-001, UNDER, USAID/DAI PRIME CONTRACT # AID-306-C-14-00016, Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience (SHAHAR), Subproject No. SHAHAR-MDF-PUL-002 in Puli Khumri city, Baghlan Province, Afghanistan. Five month is the duration (May to September 2017) of the project.

Due to increasing population and youth interests to the sports there feels shortage of sport stadiums in the city and the youth have lots of problem in this regard as they are playing in dusty and open space this issue while discourage the athletes from sports on the other hand the pollution infects their health, in this case this is an obligation for the municipality to construct sports stadiums in different parts of the city, especially in the Silo park area which is a sport area and is own Municipality  property.

Puli Khumri Municipality based on the received suggestion from the youth and residence of the city and based on the opportunity which is provided by SHAHAR program, construction of this small size football pitch has planned the first priority and the target group of this project is youth as this project will solve the problems of youth to play in a standard place as if municipality provide them such a place they will the legitimacy of Municipal governance in society and will encourage the citizens to pay municipal taxes, this project is consist of Construction of Mini Football Playground, Pergola Construction and Sidewalk Construction, the Municipality will be responsible for the construction of  Boundary wall around the playground area in length of 200m, the contribution of the SHAHAR will be 74% while the Contribution of the Municipality will be 26%.