DV has received notice to proceed for the Rehabilitation and Establishment of Citizen Service Center in Chaharikar Municipality under SUBCONTRACT # SHAHAR-CSC-CRK-16-001, of USAID/DAI PRIME CONTRACT # AID-306-C-14-00016, Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience (SHAHAR)

Currently, multiple reviews and approvals are required for many of the applications, petitions, licenses, and permits commonly issued by the municipality. Consequently, when citizens come to the municipality for a specific service or with a specific problem, they spend a great deal of time and face multiple challenges in determining which municipal official is responsible for responding to and/or solving their specific issue.

Some of the services most frequently used or requested by citizens in Chaharikar Municipality include, but not limited to, the processing, approving and issuing of applications and permits; payment of Safayi taxes; issuing business licenses; recording property ownership documents; and verification of residency for such things as passports and visas.  Due to the lack of a citizen service center or similar facility, citizens must often make multiple trips and/or experience extended waiting periods to resolve complaints or service requests and/or to conduct and complete their business with the municipality.

The establishment of CSC in Chaharikar Municipality will facilitate and assist citizens, and will improve municipal service delivery mechanism, and reduce waiting times. Additionally, it will assist citizens to get quick and or time approval on required application/documents, seek quick responses to their quires and enhance awareness on municipal services as well as increase transparency and reduce opportunities for corruption. This will be actually a one stop shop, where citizens will not be required to visit/see various municipal officials or departments for a single task/work such as obtaining business license, or paying Safayi tax etc.