DV will produce a 10/15 min documentary on ANNGO certification scheme of fruit tree sapling in Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herrat provinces of Afghanistan for ANHDO (Afghanistan National Horticulture Development Organization), European Union (EU) and Relief International.

The +/- 15 minutes documentary will be used as a visit card for ANNGO. It will reflect all the procedures of the certification scheme for production of certified saplings by ANNGO NGA members.  This documentary will include interviews of different people who are involved in this scheme (nursery growers, mother stock nursery owners, ANNGO technical staff …).  The documentary will cover all the ANNGO activities from the production of mother trees in the National collection to the orchards established with certified saplings.

The interviews of different stakeholders and farmers will take in different locations.  Four provinces will be consider for the footages: Kabul, Nangarhar/Laghman, Herat and the Mazar. The footage will take place in several locations, National collections, ANNGO/NGAs registered nurseries, MSNs, ANNGO office, etc. The project will be completed in five months (May to September, 2017).