Sustainability   >  Ethics & Compliance


Ethics & Compliance

Employees & Workplace

Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)


Ethics & Compliance

DV has strong adherence to compliance with laws and regulations, approaching ethics issues proactively. We as a corporate entity continually improve and enhance our ethics and compliance by monitoring risks and benchmarking best practices in our company.


Ethical Leadership

Throughout Dynamic Vision history, we have made ethical conduct on a priority. We believe this is largely due to the fact that integrity has been one of the DV enduring values. DV aims to instill a strong ethical standard into its business culture. Our leadership continuously expresses the critical importance that ethical conduct and anti-corruption plays for the success of every employee, our business partners, and affiliates.

The Code & Related Policies

The DV Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Code is an integral part of the commitment DV has made to conduct business with the highest standards of integrity. DV employees see the code of conduct and ethic center to their area of responsibilities.

Anti-Corruption Initiatives Through Collective Action

Dynamic Vision believes collective action is critical to affecting positive change. DV takes a leadership role in external initiatives focused on eliminating corruption and bribery, creating a level playing field for business.

Compliance & Ethics in Action

Dynamic Vision holds itself to high standards of ethics going beyond compliance with the local laws and regulation. Dynamic Vision has developed standards, including the Code, and works to ensure that its employees have the tools, knowledge, and resources to adhere to them.

Political Activities Policy

The purpose of Dynamic Vision Political Activities Policy is to promote compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to our political contributions and activities.