European Union (EU) Delegation to Afghanistan and Office of the EU Special Representative has awarded the assignment of Verification Mission of United Nations Managed Actions under Audit Plan 2016 to Dynamic Vision

The AVP 2016 preparation included a comprehensive risk assessment process. Based on the results of the assessment the United Nations managed contract titled ”Support to Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan Phase VI and Phase VII” (LOTFA Phase VI and VII) Contribution Agreement ref: 345056” is selected for the verification mission.

The Financial and Administrative Framework Agreement (‘FAFA’) signed between the EC and the UN on 29 April 2003 and which includes the texts of the 1994 verification clause and the 2001 agreement on the application of the verification clause forms the basis and guidance for verifications to be carried out. Further to the verification clause provisions set forth in the FAFA, the EC-UN Common Terms of Reference for a Verification Mission of a UN Entity provide guiding principles for the planning, conduct and reporting of specific verifications.