Hambastagi Foundation (HF) is a national non-governmental not for profit organization

Hambastagi Foundation (HF) is a national non-governmental not for profit organization. HF is registered in 2005 with the Ministry of Economics Afghanistan, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Martyred & Disabled as a non-governmental organization. The Head Office of the organization is based in Kabul, Afghanistan and expected to develop a sustainable organization to effectively facilitate the process of community development.

Dynamic Vision organized two days on the job training dated 31 Oct and 01 Nov, 2015 to the organizational staff which was funded by Finland Embassy (FLC), the training core areas were financial management and internal control mechanism. Core staff from different departments of the organization participated in the training session and were satisfied from the training contents, new ideas and group work.

The project activities were included but not limited to;

  • Conduct training needs assessment and organizational gap analysis.
  • Development of the training curriculum as per the TNA and OGA.
  • Conduct the pre-test
  • Conduct the training session
  • Conduct the post-test
  • Develop the final report and impact analysis of the training./p>