Land-Use Mapping for Kandahar Province is assigned to DV by DAI-SHAHAR-USAID;

Kandahar is one of the thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan, located in the southern part of the country. It is surrounded by Helmand in the west, Uruzgan in the north and Zabul Province in the east. Its capital is the city of Kandahar, which is located on the Arghandab River. The city is located 457 KM in the southern of Kabul along the Kabul-Kandahar highway. The municipality is located within district four of Shah Bazar. The total area of the city is almost 430 km2 divided into 15 districts and over 1,000 villages. The city population is estimated at around 1.3 million.

SHAHAR has documented existing land uses with superimposed facilities on the approved strategic plan, Master Plan and municipal boundaries for all 13 of the 14 Y3 partner municipalities only Kandahar city is remain due to the security and lack of capacity in their municipality.

For preparing an existing land-use map for Kandahar, SHAHAR has tapped Dynamic Vision (DV) to gather the necessary data on-site. The data will primarily consist of the GIS coordinates of public facilities located with municipal boundaries. The coordinates are then entered into an Excel template to be supplied by SHAHAR. The main expectation, therefore, is for the Dynamic Vision (DV) to mobilize a team of surveyors to the Municipality of Kandahar to gather those coordinates. Public facilities are defined as those basic services which cannot be supplied directly to the individual dwelling unit and as a result are utilized away from the individual residential dwelling unit within the public environment and the data collection will be based on the following typologies.

The following public facilities will be covered:

  1. Educational
  2. Health
  3. Culture and Communal
  4. Religious
  5. Administrative and Management
  6. Parks, Recreation and Sports
  7. Social Welfare

Additional Role of the Dynamic Vision (DV)
The Dynamic Vision (DV) is expected to liaise and cooperate with and, if necessary, seek permission from the following local stakeholders:

  • Provincial directorates of line ministries (education, higher education, public health, information and cultural, internal affairs, hajj and Islamic affairs, communication and information technology, labors, social affairs, martyrs and disabled, defense, justice, national security, national Olympic committee)
  • Kandahar municipal government
  • Private consulting firms
  • Developers
  • Donor agencies
  • Other agencies