Commercialization of Kandahar DABS (Kandahar Electricity Utility Management Support) Kandahar Operations Centre (KOC)
Narrative description of Project:
USAID has allocated $1.6 billion in helping DABS. To improve the commercial performance of DABS, USAID began assisting with commercialization in May 2009 with the Kabul Electricity Services Improvement Program (KESIP). A second commercialization activity was started in Kandahar in October 2009, under the Afghanistan Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (AIRP).
DV (Dynamic Vision) has provided quality service to DABS under this contract for over two years. The key areas of DV’s contribution were operation and management support to improve the financial and operational performance of DABS’ Kandahar Operations Center (KOC), its regional divisions comprise the provinces of Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan, and Zabul.
Under this contract DV has developed KOC’s Business Model, Load Shedding Management Plan, Energy Efficiency and Audit Plan, Energy Revenue Protection Plan, Fuel Management Plan and Power Plants Operation and Maintenance Plan. Furthermore, DV has supported KOC in the implementation of these plans for two years after its approval.
The major activities of the project included;
- Develop and submit Kandahar Operation Centre Electricity Business Model plan for approval Guide
- DABS to implement the Electricity Business Model in the Kandahar load center
- Complete Kandahar Operation Centre Training to operate and maintain the approved Electricity Business Model
- Training Program for DABS Operations and Maintenance Staff
- Develop and submit a Training Program to Kandahar Operation Centre for approval after completion of training needs assessment (TNA) and skill gap analysis
- Provide Kandahar Operation Centre with training course material
- Implementation of the training program in Kandahar Operation Centre.
- Develop and submit a Load Shed Management Plan to Kandahar Operation Centre for approval
- Assist the Kandahar Operation Centre, Public Relationship Department with informing customers of why load shedding is necessary and when their power will be interrupted
- Assist Kandahar Operation Centre to develop a, public awareness program to inform the public about the purpose and benefits of ROW maintenance.
- Assist Kandahar Operation Centre in implementation of Load Shed Management Plan.
- Develop a CRM Plan for the Kandahar Operation Centre
- Identify needed equipment and prepare procurement documents for procurement.
- Install equipment and train Kandahar Operation Centre staff in the use and maintenance of a CRM
- Assist Kandahar DABS with assessment of plants staff.
- Create a plan for the management of fuel with respect to load-shedding and a system for the reporting on the use of fuel.
- Establish a library of O&M manual, operating procedures and training records for all installed equipment at the plants.
- Provide support to the Employer in the management and operation and maintenance of generation assets.
- Support and oversee routine, minor, and major operation and maintenance of generation assets on as needed basis
- Support and oversee the Employer to operate the fuel testing laboratory and periodically test the fuel used for generation.
- Support and oversee the Employer in the identification of fuel suppliers able to provide fuel of suitable quality for the operation of generation assets
- Duration of Assignment
25 Months
- Client
De Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) (National Power Utility of Afghanistan) / United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Start Date / Completion Date
July/2015 – Jun/2017