
Consultancy Services for DABS Staff Capacity Building (NPA/DABS/96/CS-1754/QCBS)

Objective of the assignment

The primary objective of this consultancy assignment is to enhance the skills of DABS staff with a view to ensuring that the staff is independently able to perform the distribution investment planning and implementation, as well as Operation and Maintenance tasks/activities by the end of the assignment.

  1. Capacity Building in Planning and Design of Power Distribution Systems

A.1 Training and Capacity Building support in survey, and design calculations, preparation of pre-feasibility and feasibility reports, technical documents.

A.2 Distribution System Investment Planning.

A.3 Engineering Design of Protection/Control system, grounding system, lightning and lighting system, AC/DC operating system

A.4 Training for use of appropriate software for power system analysis, load flow studies, short circuit calculation, operations, control and protection.

A.5 Training in understanding and implementation of Environmental and Social Safeguards requirements

2.  Capacity Building of Project Management function in Power Distribution
B.1 Training and Capacity Building in Project Implementation

B.2 Training in Project Management skills.

B.3 Training and Capacity Building in Report Writing.

Note: Trainings should be conducted in local languages (Dari/Pashtu) where required.

Capacity Building of O&M function in Power Distribution and transmission line
C.1 Review, Update and implementation of Operations and Maintenance Plans for distribution networks and substations (Maintenance of substation equipment Operation and Testing, Automation system).

C.1.2. Operations and Maintenance short term Trainings for distribution, systems

C.2 SCADA Operations and Maintenance Training for distribution networks and Support in preparation of plan for distribution automation and SCADA and impart short term trainings in these areas.

C.3 Training for Safety training to DABS O&M staffs practically.

C.4 Training for Hot line maintenance to DABS O&M staffs.

Support for revival of AEIC (Afghanistan Energy Information Centre): The AEIC was established in 2005 with the objective of setting up a centralized repository of all information related to Energy sector in Afghanistan and complements the efforts of all the Stakeholders. The AEIC ceased to operate effectively from December 2012. All the Stakeholders would like to revive the AEIC as it was the only available comprehensive Information repository for Afghanistan Energy Sector.
The Capacity Building Consultant would be required to develop and implement a strategy for reviving the AEIC from its current status. This would include helping AEIC to determine what information it should make available, how it will acquire that information, how the data should be processed and presented to the public, taking into account the international experience on provision of this kind of information to the public domain.

The consultant would need to identify the hardware requirement including servers and networking equipment for AEIC to host the information. The consultant would also be required to establish the procedures for information collection and publishing by the AEIC in consultation with all the stake holders, viz., DABS, ICE (Inter-ministerial Commission for Energy), Ministry of Energy &Water, , The World Bank, USAID, ADB and other stakeholders.

  • Duration of Assignment

11 Months

  • Client

Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS)

  • Start Date / Completion Date

May 2019 to April 2020