
Sanitation Concept Study for the City of Kabul
Jointly financed through Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation and German Financial Cooperation through KfW, Frankfurt, Germany

The Consultant will be required to thoroughly review and update the base data and the overall framework for the Sanitation Concept Study. Based on updated related projections and a critical analysis of potential appropriate technical solutions for different areas of intervention, the long-term strategy for development of an integrated management system for wastewater, storm water (and solid waste to the extend necessary) for the city of Kabul shall be elaborated.

In addition, the services of the Consultant shall comprise:

Comprehensive data collection and analysis of the status quo concerning the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater, storm water and solid waste as far as it negatively impacts drainage of the project area (greater Kabul). Besides the historical data, climate projections, affecting e.g. storm water, shall be also considered and analysed.
Elaboration of a concept for the disposal of wastewater, storm water and solid waste in the project area
Carrying out a preliminary design for all project components
Elaboration of a comprehensive investment plan (immediate measures, medium-term and long-term) broken down into adequate investment packages (by sector and by service areas); the immediate measures will define improvements that should be achievable with less funds by existing resources of stakeholder institutions, NGOs, or target beneficiaries themselves. This will also generate interest and greater ownership of the whole planning process as target beneficiaries will be able to see some immediate results and have greater trust in the authorities.
Performance of cost estimates for capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational cost (OPEX) and of a financial and economic analysis;
Execution of a target group analysis, differentiated by sub-areas within the overall city area, according to socio-economic criteria, gender aspect, social context (e.g. education, access to health services, ethnicity…), potential conflicts in view of proposing different types of appropriate measures with potentially different costs in the different sectors subject of the study;
Performance of an institutional analysis (including governmental entities, NGO´s, civil society representatives) with regard to current assignments and responsibilities and proposed institutional setups for the planning process and for future implementation of investment, as well as later operation and maintenance obligations.
Resulting from the above the Consultation will be required to propose a structured programme of accompanying measures aiming at strengthening the future operator of the system. It is important to note that the services shall be performed from the beginning by integrating to a maximum possible extent all potential stakeholders into the process of data collection, option analysis and strategy development. Therefore, it is expected that the Consultant will spend particular attention in the starting phase to the identification of all potential stakeholders and their current roles/assignments and to the definition of a clear approach for establishing communication lines, ensuring appropriate participation mechanisms and involving relevant stakeholders in validation of study results and of proposed sanitation strategies.

  • Duration of Assignment
01 Year
  • Client
Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation and German Financial Cooperation through KfW, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Start Date / Completion Date
Feb 2020 to July 2021