
TA-9396 AFG: Second Support for Infrastructure Investments and Policy – Third Party Monitoring (51173-001)

    The TPM firm should employ the necessary number of qualified engineers and social scientists to cover two projects/subprojects implemented at various sites throughout Afghanistan. These projects will be selected by the sector teams in consultation with PAU. The TPM firm has responsibility for the security of all staff assigned to the program. Each monitoring assignment will take approximately 6 weeks to complete. The TPM firm will share each project monitoring report with ADB, and the findings and recommendations will be discussed with line ministries and PMOs. At the end of the assignment, the firm will compile the findings from the individual reports into a final report, which will address implementation issues across the portfolio, as well as a road map for implementing recommendations for improving performance.

The monitoring firm will (i) monitor project design, construction and maintenance quality as well as environmental, gender and social safeguard compliance for two projects funded by ADB (ii) focus on supervision consultant and civil works contractor, contract management, (iii) monitoring the performance of engineers involved at various levels of project supervision, (iv) supply additional information to supplement TPM observations and reports, (v) verifying the IA’s data collection and management accuracy, and (vi) preparing a deviation tracker, which would include the defects noticed at various sites, the strategy to repair these and monitoring of corrective actions during subsequent visits.

This TOR is output-based. The consulting assignment (3 months) will have the following two main outputs:

  • One transport, and one energy project will be monitored
  • LARP implementation compliance for each of the projects with significant LAR impact is monitored
    Output 1: One transport and one energy project will be monitored: TPM will provide critical data regarding contract management, quality of civil works, asset verification, equipment specifications, adequacy of supervision consultant, the security environment, presence of security personnel, etc. The TPM firm will provide additional evidence about whether projects are being implemented according to the implementation plan. In addition, the TPM firm will provide government with an example of project monitoring and data collection and showcase how such practices could improve project performance and results, thereby helping to strengthen line ministries’ own monitoring programs. The TPM firm will also assess the following:
  • Quality of the work according to the specifications;
  • Presence of contractor and consultant staff in the project site;
  • Contractual obligations in terms of staff, equipment, and reporting of contractor and supervision consultant;
  • Assess the security situation at the project site and contractual arrangements; and
  • Presence of security personnel at project site.

Output 2: Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP) compliance with significant LAR impact are monitored: The TPM firm will provide additional evidence about whether projects are being implemented according to the implementation plan, and whether they are in compliance with social and environmental safeguards. The TPM firm will also monitor the following:

  • Monitoring of grievances and their timely redressed;
  • Investigate about availability of Grievance Redress Mechanism at project level, its functionality and awareness among the affected people;
  • The quality and efficacy of the institutional arrangements and related processes during the  implementation of the LARP, including consultation and information disclosure, census of affected peoples, detailed measurement surveys, inventory of lost assets and the processing and payment of compensation; and
    Level of compliance with the approved principles of the LARP and its timely implementation.
  • Duration of Assignment

03 Months

  • Client


  • Start Date / Completion Date

May 2019 to July 2019