Signature of DV’s Partnership agreement with Finland Embassy Afghanistan
The Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC) is a financing instrument of the Embassy of Finland for small development projects implemented by local organizations. The FLC is used to promote the objectives of Finland’s Development Policy Program. Finland pursues human rights based approach to development. Priorities of Finland’s development policy and cooperation are a democratic and accountable society that promotes human rights, an inclusive green economy that promotes employment, sustainable management of natural resources and environmental protection and human development.
Democratic ownership, accountability, openness and transparency as well as effectiveness and coherence are guiding principles of our development policy and cooperation. Cross-cutting objectives are promotion of gender equality, climate sustainability and reduction of inequality. Development results and quality of cooperation are emphasized. The FLC can be also directed to strengthen local cultural identities.
Overall objective of the Fund for Local Cooperation is to support Afghan Civil Society in advancement of human rights, democracy and good governance and to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations in particular. In addition the fund provides support for cultural and social development activities on small-scale level. Our aim is to establish medium to long-term partnerships with a limited number of organizations.
In Afghanistan, FLC is used to complement and supplement Finland’s wider development program by making it more relevant, efficient and effective. FLC is seen as targeted and focused tool that responds the rights and needs of citizens of Afghanistan. However the objectives defined in FLC strategy don’t necessarily try to achieve all objectives defined in the Finland’s development policy program.
Using these two framework agreements, the Embassy of Finland in Kabul commissioned for FLC projects both an external audit and financial management & internal control systems training and Results Based Management Training. The duration of these framework agreements will be one year (2016) and it can be extended up to the end of 2017 based on the quality of the work of Dynamic Vision.
The projects to be audited and trained and the period to be covered are specified in a separate request from the Embassy as per the need. There will be around 3 -5 projects funded under FLC annually. However, the number of the projects is subject to availability of FLC funds.
Priority themes of FLC in Afghanistan are:
- Equality of citizens and human rights
- Civic education, political awareness and participation
- Fundamental rights of vulnerable groups
- Economic and educational empowerment of women and girls
- Gender equality and advocacy
- Human Rights Defenders
- Women, Peace & Security 1325 – United Nations Security Council Resolution
- Environment/ Climate Change
- Projects supplementing Finland’s support in Afghanistan in the focus areas of the Finnish
- Development Cooperation Policy