Tetra Tech’s USAID funded Afghanistan Engineering Services Program (AESP) has awarded Dynamic Vision to implement the Feasibility, Survey, Design, Biding Document Development, Specification Development of ESP-2018-067 Survey and Design Work for 21 Sites (Blanket Purchase Agreement).

Tetra Tech’s USAID funded Afghanistan Engineering Services Program (AESP) has awarded Dynamic Vision to implement the Feasibility, Survey, Design, Biding Document Development, Specification Development of ESP-2018-067 Survey and Design Work for 21 Sites (Blanket Purchase Agreement).
The Strengthening Watershed and Irrigation Management (SWIM) project goal is to increase agriculture productivity through irrigation and watershed development. Activities under SWIM include rehabilitation and upgrading existing irrigation schemes, improving on-farm water management and drainage, restoration of watersheds to secure water reliability, and strengthening the institutional capacity for irrigation and watershed management, at both the national and local levels. The three main Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) agencies associated with this project are the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), and National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA), including their related local agencies. The project tasks include the topographic survey of existing conditions, as well as the design of proposed structures and rehabilitation of existing structures as required for the Canal irrigation scheme.