USAID funded DAI GLOBAL LLC, Strong Hubs for Afghan Hope and Resilience (SHAHAR) Project has awarded DV with a contract for Public Park Improvement and Construction in Mihtarlam city – Laghman Province.
The project works include the construction of 796m long Boundary wall, Three Main Gates, and 1641m long path way for all the park. The project duration is seven months (May to November, 2017).
This project was proposed by the municipality under the SHAHAR revenue generating MDF Projects. The scope of this project will be divided between SHAHAR and the municipality whereby SHAHAR will contribute 75% of the total cost of the project and the municipality will bear 25% of the total estimated cost of the project.
This project is located in Sultan Ghazi Baba Shahrak of Mihtarlam city, where have been very less social activities been done so far in the above-mentioned place. Lack of Public Park in the city is one of the very serious problems that citizen of Mihtarlam city, especially children face on daily basis, with implementation of this project Mihtarlam city will have the proper toilets. Because of the current conditions, which are causing both economic and health damage to the citizens of the Mihtarlam City, municipal officials, Citizen and SHAHAR representatives together decided in a gathering held on October 21,2015 for prioritization of project wish list to construct typical public Park project through Competitive Urban Service Delivery Mechanism in Mihtarlam.
This project is consist of 796m Long boundary wall with top fence, two main gates in several locations , two set of toilet one for men and other for female with total eight stalls and 1641m long path way inside the public park area, water well along with entire accessories and septic tank for every set of toilet.